Community Partners
In order to engage with a variety of affected stakeholders, a Health Effects Monitoring Program Advisory Committee (HEMPAC) was created as a mechanism for member groups to contribute to the development and implementation of the monitoring program by utilizing their health expertise and knowledge of regional and community level issues.

HEMPAC meets once a month and consists of the following representatives:
- Government of Northwest Territories Department of Environment and Natural Resources
- Government of Northwest Territories Department of Health and Social Services
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
- Health Canada
- Yellowknives Dene First Nation
- North Slave Métis Alliance
- Giant Mine Oversight Board
- City of Yellowknife
With additional support from:
- Institute for Circumpolar Health Research
To provide advice and make recommendations to the Principal Investigator in the development and implementation of the Health Effects Monitoring Program.
Specific responsibilities of the Advisory Committee include but are not limited to:
- Provide technical expertise and advice in the development and implementation of the program.
- Provide community perspective, expertise, advice and traditional knowledge in the development and implementation of the program.
- Monitor the implementation of the program and provide input into refinement opportunities.
- Provide advice on proposed communications for the program.